📚 Lecture

🎶 Mini Live Performance

📍 Five G, Tokyo, Japan

⏰ 27th / 11 / 2023

📸 Picture Courtesy of JPGC, Demone, Umi & myself

Mini Live Performance

Watch on Bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1U94y177WU/

Keynote download

Keynote file in Japanese (large, with videos): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/skwe5amy0bpbl6wkei736/tamiX-Workshop-JP.key?rlkey=6enf02rbnbppnrq4p10py0hbr&dl=0
PDF file in Japanese (without videos): https://www.dropbox.com/s/vpwo8i2zej9f67v/tamiX%20Workshop-JP.pdf?dl=0


Music Gear Lists

    • Buchla 200e Modular System (24U) with 223e controller, see details on ModularGrid
    • Low Gain Electronics UTL-1A Format Jumbler Utility Box x2
    • Little Labs I-VOG
    • Eventide H90
    • Sound Devices MixPre 10 II
    • Furman AC-215A

Behind The Scenes