tamiX, a professional artist of improvisational electronic live music and visual arts, refusing to perform with computer programs or software, specializes in unprepared visual creativity, and music performance with standalone gear to demonstrate physically natural effects as atmosphere changes likewise. As Buchla endorsed artist, with Buchla 200e modular synthesizer system, her live improvisation has created an impressively unique mode filled audiences with experimentally rhyming tunes.

To be affected by the distinctive glamour of tamiX, audiences should be in the live show, which is also the reason why tamiX barely released any record. As an electronic musician skilled in improvisation, compared with playing on the traditional music platforms, tamiX chose streaming video on YouTube instead, the leading medium in China and beyond the sea separately where audiences can watch all of her live show videos.

In the year 2022, tamiX released her first melodic techno album ‘X New Year’ on the renowned Detroit Underground label. The release was followed by full-length live set video, a 44 pages photo book and a customized USB sticker as a Special Collector Edition.

As a very unusual artist in China who creates visual arts with eurorack video modular synthesizer, vector arts with eurorack audio modular synthesizer, psychedelic light show with the work of nature, glitch arts with DIY gears, tamiX is an avant-garde showing distinct arts.

Given the great affection for ACG culture, being the founder of Midifan, a music tech portal leading thousands of Chinese people to the industry, meanwhile, the co-producer of several official albums for Hatsune Miku, tamiX loves skateboarding and she is a skateboard coach as well.

tamiX是一位在现场进行即兴创作的电子音乐演奏家和视觉艺术家。拒绝使用套路的电脑和软件,tamiX完全利用独立的硬件设备和纯自然的物理形式根据现场氛围进行即兴的音乐演奏和视觉创作。作为Buchla认证艺术家,tamiX的现场即兴音乐创作以少有的Buchla 200e模块化合成器为基础,创造出集实验性和音乐性于一身的独特声音风格。


2022年1月1日对tamiX来说是特别的一天,tamiX将这一晚在北京三里屯024长达一个多小时的全场演出视频和录音制成了自己的第一张音乐专辑《X New Year》,并于2022年6月28日由美国多学科艺术厂牌Detroit Underground全球发行数字专辑。这张专辑还特别制作了粉丝珍藏版,包含内容丰富的U盘和全彩写真集。

tamiX的即兴的视觉艺术创作也是剑走偏锋,她是国内少有的用eurorack视频合成器创作视频,用eurorack音频视频合成器创作vector arts,用自然界物品和液体做psychedelic light show,用feedback和自制设备做glitch arts的艺术家。

tamiX也是引导众多音乐人走上音乐道路的音乐科技媒体Midifan的创始人。tamiX喜爱二次元,联合制作了多张初音未来官方授权专辑。作为一位喜欢滑板的skate girl同时兼任滑板教练。喜爱拍照的tamiX还是一位写真偶像,陆续出版的数本风格迥异的个人写真集都可以在某宝找到。