X New Year, the first album from tamiX, an artist skilled in improvising electronic music, records the live set at #024, a live house at Sanlitun, Beijing, China, on the first day of new year night of 2022.
Get the digital album:
- Bandcamp: https://detund.bandcamp.com/album/x-new-year
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2mQV4CqBuPSmSNYXP4sBUk
- Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/album/x-new-year/1632876576
- YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lyV542VlRAtkPSlkPFY02AE5xqehfKAIM
- Netease Music (Mainland China only): https://music.163.com/#/album?id=147721030
- QQ Music (Mainland China only): https://y.qq.com/n/ryqq/albumDetail/003oucqQ3SmwEm

Reviews and Interviews:
- igloo magazine: https://igloomag.com/reviews/tamix-x-new-year-detroit-underground
- Modul8 magazine Issue #2: https://modul8magazine.limitedrun.com/products/741295-modul8-issue-2
- BIE的 (Chinese): https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/q33KKjKilE0Nw7oS2h_J3Q
- Dropin (Chinese): https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Hz5itRYIsxhmTZpRqNWbcg
More Informations:
TamiX being an Buchla endorsed musician, played over 60-minute live set using rare Buchla 200e modular synthesizer system. It is an intensive exploration tamiX made to the music style she’s adept at: melodic techno, and created an unique tune integrating the features of experimental and musical.
To be affected by the distinctive glamour of tamiX, audiences should be in the live show, which is also the reason why tamiX barely released any record. As an electronic musician skilled in improvisation, compared with playing on the traditional music platforms, tamiX chose streaming video on YouTube instead, the leading medium in China and beyond the sea separately where audiences can watch all of her live show videos.
All things considered, the album X New Year includes the whole live show performance; meanwhile, the specific characteristics of tamiX playing electronic music improvisation are well demonstrated to its utmost.

Get the Special Collector Edition:

Apart from the digital album, X New Year will be released as a Special Collector Edition, including a 44 pages photo book of tamiX’s performance, and a USB sticker with more contents inside:
- 60+ mins video of the performance
- The trailer video
- mp3 of the album
- Uncompressed wav of the album
- All photos in the photo book
- Two picture of post cards
- Pictures of the photo book
- Cover picture of the album
- Picture of my Buchla modules setup